Summer Tennis Camp

Dates: Monday 22nd July – Friday 9th August / 19th August – 30th August 2019
Head Coach: Steve Baldwin
Assistant Coaches: TBC
Venue: Conway LTC, 93 Conway Road, Southgate, N14 7BH
Bookings/Queries: Steve Baldwin: 07718 762619

Come along and learn or improve your tennis and have some fun at the same time within competitive game orientated coaching. We will finish the week with a tournament with prizes for the winner and runner-up as well as prizes for special achievements. We are pleased to announce the following dates for our spring tennis/activity program for children and juniors of all ages and standards.

2019 ScheduleStartsEnds
Week 1Monday 22 July Friday 26 July
Week 2Monday 29 JulyFriday 02 August
Week 3Monday 05 AugustFriday 09 August
NO SUMMER CAMPMonday 12 AugustFriday 16 August
Week 4Monday 19 AugustFriday 23 August
Week 5Monday 26 AugustFriday 30 August
SessionsCost per person
Morning Session
10.00 – 12.00
Afternoon Session
12.30 – 14.30
All Day Session
10.00 - 14.30
Full week - Morning Session
10.00 – 12.00
Full week - Afternoon Session
12.30 – 14.30
Full week
10.00 - 14.30, Monday to Friday

Please bring packed lunch for all day sessions. These sessions get very busy so avoid disappointment by reserving your place in advance.

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